Saturday, December 26, 2009

Obamas Luxuriate As Nation Suffers

Snow and ice abound in much of the nation.
The unemployment rate of 10% is at a 26-year high.
The greatest economic slowdown since the great depression drags on.
With President Obama's vigorous support the Democrat Congress continues to spend money, raise taxes, increase government control over our lives and raise the debt ceiling to new heights.
And, on Christmas eve the Senate passed a health care bill that does an end run around the prohibition of government-funded abortion. On Christmas eve!
But none of this stopped the Obama family from renting an 8.9 million Hawaiian mansion for the holidays, along with houses on either side of the lush, palatial property.
The mansion comes with every conceivable luxury.
And, on Christmas, the Obama's began the day with worship at the secular alter of vanity: an early morning workout. Christmas gifts waited till later in the day and traditional church worship was nowhere on the agenda.
Here's a report on the President's super-fancy digs from ABC News:

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