Thursday, December 31, 2009

Rush Resting Comfortably

Rush Limbaugh's web site says he's resting comfortably in the hospital in Hawaii.
Rush was admitted yesterday after suffering chest pains while golfing during his annual Christmas vacation.
Rush Limbaugh's spokesperson says that El Rushbo will keep us up to date on his web site.
You can bet that Rush will make every effort to be back on the air as soon as possible, consistent with his medical condition. He is due to return January 4 but if he can't, there is no shortage of outstanding conservative talkers who would be more than happy to fill in for him.
Still, there is only one Rush and our prayers go out to him for a speedy recovery.
Finally: Is it necessary for us to tell our liberal friends and assorted Rush-haters to behave themselves during this period? We hope not.

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