Friday, January 15, 2010

Christie Names Senior Staff

New Jersey Governor-Elect Chris Christie announced today the senior staff team in the Office of the Governor. These key positions follow the December 3 announcement of Rich Bagger as Chief of Staff to the Governor, Bill Stepien as Deputy Chief of Staff to the Governor, Jeff Chiesa as Chief Counsel to the Governor and Kevin O’Dowd as Deputy Chief Counsel to the Governor.
Chief of Staff Bagger stated, “I am confident that the senior staff team we have assembled will work collectively to address New Jersey’s most immediate challenges. This is a talented, qualified group of individuals unafraid to voice their opinions and dedicate themselves to the hard work we have ahead of us.”

Governor-Elect Christie Senior Staff

Rich Bagger, Chief of Staff to the Governor

Maria Comella, Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications*

Bill Stepien, Deputy Chief of Staff for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs

Wayne Hasenbalg, Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy and Planning

Lou Goetting, Cabinet Secretary

Rosemary Iannacone, Director of Operations

Jeff Chiesa, Chief Counsel to the Governor

Kevin O'Dowd, Deputy Chief Counsel

Michele Brown, Appointments Counsel

Deborah Gramiccioni, Director of the Authorities Unit

*Our personal congratulations to Maria Comella who has done such a wonderful job of keeping us informed during this trasition period.

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