Friday, January 22, 2010

Camden County's Cronyism, Nepotism

From the CCGOP Chairman's Blog:

Nepotism Beneficiary Sen. Donald Norcross

Nepotism Beneficiary Sen. Donald Norcross

In today’s piece on the power of the independent-(and fiscal)-minded voter, Alfred P. Doblin, editorial page editor of The Record, brought to light something we here in South Jersey and in political circles across the state already know – the South Jersey Norcross Machine is chock full of cronyism and nepotism, and the state suffers from a districting system that is crumbling under it own weight. But, the author points out, people are waking up, and they – not legislators – are making changes for the better.

One clone is replaced by another clone. In New Jersey, the democratic process is on life support. Consider the meteoric rise of Donald Norcross, the brother of South Jersey Democratic powerbroker George Norcross. He was seated in the Assembly just last week. This week he became a state Senator, replacing Dana Redd, who was elected mayor of Camden. Next week, who knows? Joe Biden might not want to call in sick anytime soon…

Norcross – George and Donald – may be able to do what they want for now, but if New Jersey’s silent majority mobilizes, I’m not so sure. New Jersey must eliminate its ruling political class. It does not require legislative action on term limits. It involves voter action on term-limiting elected officials.

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