Saturday, January 9, 2010

We Welcome The World

France. England. Germany, Japan. Czech Republic. Canada. Croatia. Belgium. Philippines. India. Jordan. Poland. Sweden. United Arab Emirates.
These are just some of the nations represented by our recent visitors to this blog.
Yes, we welcome people from every continent -- from every part of the world!
Is it any wonder that we have attracted more than 100,000 visitors and nearly a quarter of a million page views?
And now we're also featuring the writing and reporting of Aimee Cirucci.
Aimee is an exceptionally gifted writer, accomplished communications scholar and professional. Plus, she's also a prolific essayist and commentator who has seen her work published in numerous books, magazines and e-zines. She speaks for a whole new generation with a fresh view of the current scene.
Welcome, Aimee.
And welcome, everyone from every part of the world!
You participation and your comments are generously appreciated.

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