Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Christie Praises COAH Action

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie today released the following statement in response to yesterday’s passage of a resolution in support of Executive Order 12 by the Commission on Affordable Housing:
“I’m extremely pleased that the Commission on Affordable Housing has itself joined the call from across our state recognizing the need for sensible planning reform. I welcome the Commission’s input and cooperation as the Task Force conducts its review and provides recommendations for my Administration to swiftly and responsibly take action.”
The Commission’s resolution to endorse Executive Order 12 passed by a vote of 5-2 on Tuesday.
Additionally, Governor Christie announced the appointment of the four remaining members of the Housing Opportunity Task Force created in Executive Order 12. Rutgers University Professor James Hughes, Perth Amboy Mayor Wilda Diaz, Morris Plains Mayor Frank Druetzler, and former Executive Director of the Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency Ira Ostrowsky will serve with former senator and Task Force Chairman Marcia Karrow as the five member panel. Issued on February 9, 2010, Executive Order 12 provides for the creation of the Housing Opportunity Task Force to review the Commission on Affordable Housing and its continued existence.

The Governor’s Executive Order 12 can be accessed here.

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