Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Christie Vetoes DVBA Spending

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie exercised his veto power today to stop additional, blanket spending with respect to certain actions taken by members of the Delaware River and Bay Authority at their January 19, 2010 meeting.
The veto concerns the Board’s blanket authorization of expenditures to 98 vendors in unspecified amounts in excess of $25,000 for the period January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010. Additionally, Governor Christie vetoed minutes regarding the adoption of a 2010 operating budget that represents a 3.04 percent increase over the 2009 operating budget.
“This Administration will continue to scrutinize the actions taken by various Boards and Authorities, especially when it concerns contracts and budgeting issues,” said Governor Christie. “With the fiscal situation New Jersey finds itself in, we cannot afford blanket spending orders; nor can we allow boards and authorities to vote for ever-expanding budgets.”
The Governor’s veto letter was delivered to the Delaware River and Bay Authority earlier today.
No other actions taken by the Delaware River and Bay Authority at its meeting on January 19, 2010 were vetoed.

Note: You can expect more vetoes and spending cuts from Governor Christie.
The Governor of New Jersey has enormous power -- including the line item veto -- and Christie is going to exercise that power in his campaign to fight runaway spending, waste and corruption.

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