Friday, February 5, 2010

Christie Wields Veto Pen Again

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie continued to wield his veto power to reign-in spending of Boards and Authorities by partially rejecting the minutes of the January 13, 2010 New Jersey Urban Enterprise Zone meeting.
The veto concerns the award of $415, 608 in Zone Assistance Funds for the Hillside Clean Team VIII project. Governor Christie has asked for justification on the expenditure in light of the fact that $399,608 of the total funding was to be allocated for the yearly salary and benefits of only four employees.
“We will continue to red-flag any potential for profligate spending by boards and authorities,” said Governor Christie. “New Jersey’s fiscal situation demands a new level of accountability to prevent the waste and overspending we’ve experienced for too long.”
No veto power was exercised on any other part of the New Jersey Urban Enterprise Zone Authority’s January 13, 2010 minutes.

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