Thursday, February 11, 2010

Kean: Christie Shows 'Courage'

New Jersey Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean made the following statement about the uncommonly courageous leadership shown by Governor Christie in dealing with a $2.3 billion budget gap left by the past administration.
“It’s been years since New Jersey has had a governor who will talk about our state’s fiscal problems with decisiveness, honesty and courage,” Senator Kean said. “After less than two months in office, the governor has come up with a plan to close a $2.3 billion budget gap without tax increases, furloughs or disruption of our state’s schools.
“It’s also worth noting that his plan for balancing the budget, unlike proposals by other governors over the last eight years, contains no unconstitutional borrowing, tax increases or irresponsible accounting gimmicks,” Senator Kean said. “No other governor over the last eight years has proposed such a responsible and fiscally sound plan for closing a deficit.
“These proposals are a great start to a fiscal plan that will make New Jersey more affordable for our working and middle class residents,” Senator Kean said. “There should be no doubt now that the people of New Jersey have a leader who is committed to reducing taxes and reining in the ever-increasing cost of government.
“None of Chris Christie’s critics has offered a serious suggestion for balancing the budget that won’t put New Jersey in worst fiscal shape next year and for decades thereafter,” Kean said. “They are clinging to the failed and tired policies of the past that left our state with the highest unemployment in the region and the biggest fiscal crisis in its history.
“The governor’s critics should either come forward with a real, honest plan for cutting this budget, or stop with the transparently partisan attacks and join with our governor in making New Jersey the kind of state its residents deserve,” Senator Kean said.

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