Thursday, February 4, 2010

Kean Pushes Jersey Super Bowl

New Jersey Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean of Union County introduced a Senate resolution today urging the NFL to select New Jersey as the location for the Super Bowl XLVIII in 2014.
The NFL owners' Super Bowl Advisory Committee allowed the Meadowlands Stadium Co. to place a bid, waiving the traditional requirement that host stadiums have a minimum outdoor temperature of 50 degrees or an indoor stadium.
“New Jersey offers the best venue for the Super Bowl, period,” Kean stated. "We have the image, logistics and ambiance that is unparalleled in the world and the millions of diehard fans in this region would do everything in their power to make Super Bowl XLVII the biggest, most talked about game in the history of the NFL.”
Kean congratulated the NFL for refusing to make climate the main criteria for selecting a Super Bowl location.
“The NFL championship of 1958 is known as the “Greatest Game Ever Played” and it was decided at Yankee Stadium,” Kean pointed out. “It’s time to bring the game of American football back to its roots in the Northeast." Kean urged his colleagues to support the Meadowlands bid, and to commit to doing what it takes to win the game for New Jersey. “New Jersey has a new state-of-the-art stadium, easy access to airports, and thousands of hotel rooms, restaurants and other attractions near and in New York City, the most renowned and admired city in the world,” Kean said.
"Having the Super Bowl in New Jersey would not only be great for the league but it would be great for the region," Kean continued. "The Super Bowl would provide a unique promotional opportunity for our state's tourism industry and help spur the regional economy. Studies have shown that cities who host the Super Bowl experience a significant economic impact into the hundreds of millions of dollars."
The New Meadowlands Stadium Company has to submit a preliminary proposal to the NFL by April 1. The winning bid is expected to be announced at the end of May.

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