Thursday, February 25, 2010

Limbaugh Recognizes Dan Cirucci Blog

Yesterday at 2:10 PM over the huge Excellence in Broadcasting Network, Rush Limbaugh told his millions of broadcast listeners about the Dan Cirucci blog.
You got that right - RUSH LIMBAUGH.
Limbaugh cited a piece that we ran about New Jersey Governor Chris Christie cracking down on free-spending state boards, authorities, commissions and agencies.
You can read the item by clicking here.
We've been Rush Limbaugh fans for more than 20 years.
But we never, ever thought the day would come when Rush would recognize us and actually mention us on his program.
We should have known better.
Because this proves that El Rushbo really does pay attention.
Rush knows. Rush Cares. Rush dares to go outside the beltway again and again to get the pulse of thought and opinion where it really lives -- right down here with you and I, among citizen journalists, everyday activists and real taxpayers.
This is why Rush is successful -- not because he mentioned us or this blog but because he'll look for information and insight wherever he can find it.
He's not a media or information snob.
Rush Limbaugh understands that power still rests with the people who work and pay taxes and vote and he knows who those people are.
We're gratified and humbled that Rush mentioned us.
Thank you, Rush.
And finally, we promise all of you that we will continue to give you the very best day after day.
We're goin places, folks.
Come on along for the ride -- and bring all your friends.


  1. My very best to you. If you think your blog site has exploded in the past six months you ain't seen nuthin' yet.

  2. congratulations. I found this blog thru and enjoy your writing very much.

  3. Thanks so much, Jackie.
    Tell your friends about the blog so we can continue to reach more readers.
