Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Aimee Cirucci Offers PR Expertise

Aimee Cirucci's web site has been completely redesigned and you owe it to yourself to visit the site pronto.

Aimee offers public relations and writing services including:
    Public relations strategy and planning
    Press release and newsletter writing and editing
    Media relations services
    Website content creation
    Speech writing and scripting
    Social media consulting and planning
She loves working with trade and professional associations and offers special rates for non-profits organizations. For specifics or a quote please e-mail her.

A graduate of Wake Forest University (BA) and Temple University (MS in Communication Management) Aimee is also an award-winning freelance writer specializing in personal essays and creative non-fiction. For more on that visit the writing section section of her site.

Aimee's diverse public relations and marketing experience includes agency, non-profit and corporate work with a focus on social media. She has successfully a promoted a wide range of companies and spokespeople in the following industries: transportation, engineering, financial services, consumer products and high tech.

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