Sunday, March 28, 2010

Listen To My Newest Podcasts

I recently conducted interviews with two local movers and shakers as part of my "Hot Interviews with Very Cool People" series for the Philadelphia Bar Association.
Dr. Karen Wiley Sandler, the Chancellor of Abington College of Penn State University discusses the college's vital role in the region, its place within the university and its exciting future. You will learn a great deal about this historic educational entity and its plans for continued growth. You will also be surprised to discover some of the current-day leaders who have graduated from Penn State Abington as well at the breadth and diversity of courses and programs offered.
Michael Rosenzweig, President and CEO of the National Museum of American Jewish History talks about the museum's journey from its birth in 1976 to the threshold of its dramatic new home on Independence Mall. Designed my a renowned architectural firm, the new museum (which opens in November, 2010) is destined to be an instant attraction within America's most historic square mile. But the museum won't be just about history. Instead it will be an ever-changing showcase for the American journey that tells the story not just of the Jews in America but, by extension, of every ethnic group that came to call America "home."
Listen to these podcasts and others in my series by clicking here.

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