Friday, March 26, 2010

NJ GOP Leaders: Come Together, Negotiate

New Jersey Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean and Senate Republican Budget Officer Tony Bucco issued the following statements encouraging school board and employees’ unions to enter into talks to dodge mass layoffs.
“In several New Jersey communities, teachers and parents are coming together to find a balanced approach to protect the quality of classroom education for our children,” Kean stated. “With shared sacrifice, we can find the innovative solutions to keep teachers in the classroom with the tools they need to provide a quality education.”
Kean cited reports that every employee of the West Essex Regional School District agreed to a wage freeze for the next school year to prevent layoffs or cuts to instructional programs. Similar proposals have been adopted in South Orange-Maplewood, Hoboken, and Montclair. “Teachers and small business employees face the same burden of the highest property taxes in order for their families to live here. We must make New Jersey more affordable for all middle-class families. These conversations are proof that New Jerseyans can meet the challenge of balancing our budget without higher taxes. My colleagues and I urge teachers, school employees and residents to reopen negotiations to find common ground.” said Senator Tony Bucco.

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