Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Toomey Bashes Obama On Israel

U.S. Senate candidate Pat Toomey has criticized the Obama Administration for its unusually harsh reaction to Israel’s decision to build new homes in Jerusalem, and contrasted that with the Administration’s feckless policies toward Iran.
Over the past year, the Obama Administration has put forth meaningless deadlines for Iran to meet regarding its brazen pursuit of nuclear weapons, only to turn a blind eye when Iran ignored those deadlines. Further, this administration has stood by largely silently as the Iranian theocratic dictators stamp out the pro-democracy movement within its midst. Pat Toomey has vigorously and repeatedly urged a stronger policy toward Iran (National Review Online, 10/15/09) (Morning Call, 12/04/09).
Now, the Obama Administration has plunged relations with Israel, our best ally in the region, to what is being called their lowest point in 35 years. And over what? Israel’s decision to build 1,600 homes for its citizens.
“Over the past year, we have watched the Obama Administration coddle Iran with meaningless gestures while the fanatics in Tehran continue their pursuit of nuclear weapons unabated,” Mr. Toomey said. “But when America’s strongest ally in the Middle East makes an internal decision about its own capital city, the administration unleashes a heavy barrage of denunciations.
There is something seriously wrong when President Obama gives Iran a free pass, but places excessive demands on Israel. It’s as if this administration sees Jewish homes in Jerusalem as a bigger threat to international peace than nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorists. It’s illogical and outrageous.”
Toomey continued, “The worst aspect of this unwise step by President Obama is that it will undoubtedly undermine the cause of a negotiated settlement to the Arab-Israeli conflict. "President Obama’s moves will embolden the radical elements among the Palestinians and their backers in Iran and Syria to insist on even more unilateral concessions from Israel, and to offer no concessions of their own.
"Obama has it exactly backwards – he should make it clear to the Palestinians that they can expect no progress in peace talks until they first meet the most basic commitments toward living in peace and security alongside Israel.”

1 comment:

  1. I don't think Obama is "coddling" Iran. And I think he condemned the 2009 election results and subsequent crackdown on protests pretty harshly.

    But I do agree with Toomey that Obama shouldn't have come down as hard on Israel as he did. Both sides there have their faults, to be sure. But I totally agree that the Palestinians have not held up their end of the bargain, and need to be held accountable for this.
