Thursday, April 8, 2010

GOP Targets 'Flip-Flop Five'

The National Republican Committee’s (NRCC) Project Code Red will be delivering t-shirts to Betsy Markey and the rest of the Flip-Flop Five’s Congressional staff today.
After shady backroom deals and heavy arm-twisting tactics, Betsy Markey flip-flopped on Obamacare and consequently helped her party leaders ram through their unpopular and politically toxic healthcare bill. While Markey had no problem putting her job on the line with her potentially career-ending vote, she also put her staff’s jobs on the line as well.
After taking thousands of angry phone calls, answering emails, and constituent meet-and-greets – what do her staffers get? Nothing. In honor of their exhausting work defending their boss’s unpopular vote, the NRCC hopes Markey’s staff will accept a t-shirt on their behalf.

To learn more about the flip-flop five, click here

“Betsy Markey flip-flopped on Obamacare and chose to ignore the overwhelming majority of her constituents by rubber-stamping her party leaders’ government takeover of healthcare,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain.
“After green-lighting hundreds of billions of dollars in unprecedented government spending, tax-hikes and Medicare cuts, Markey put her job and those of her staffers on the line. While Markey and her Congressional staff may be out of work in November, now they at least have t-shirts to commemorate it.”
Dear Congressional Staff,
We know you’ve worked hard the last few months answering phone calls, replying to emails, and meeting with constituents who didn’t want a government takeover of health care.
But thanks to your boss, they got one.
Your boss may have even gotten the shady backroom deal he/she wanted in exchange for his/her flip-flop. But what did you – the staffers who toiled for countless hours listening to the Americans that Democrats ignored – receive? Nothing.
So we at the NRCC thought we’d send you something small in recognition of all your hard work: a comfortable, stylish t-shirt commemorating your boss’ vote to raise taxes, cut Medicare for seniors, and destroy American jobs. Wear it with pride! Sincerely,
Your Friends at the NRCC
P.S. We reserved this batch of t-shirts for staffers like you: the ones who, like us and the rest of America, won’t get to keep their health care plans.
You didn’t get to write yourself an escape clause from the jobs-killing bill your boss supported, but you sure will look great while out on the town.
We hope you enjoy it!

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