Saturday, April 10, 2010

NJ GOP: Union Should Apologize

New Jersey Republican State Committee Chairman Jay Webber issued a statement today demanding that Bergen County Education Association President Joe Coppola and all those involved with the publication of a memo that included a “prayer” advocating Governor Chris Christie’s death apologize not only to the Governor, but also to the students, parents and administrators they serve:
“It is disturbing that in the midst of one of the most serious policy debates in New Jersey’s history, the NJEA has engaged in a pattern of offensive behavior instead of coming to the table to resolve the pressing issues facing our state,” said Chairman Jay Webber. “Now it is time for Joe Coppola and anyone else responsible for this disturbing memo to apologize to those children, their parents, and the administrators they are supposed to serve, as well as the Governor, for their outrageous actions.”
“For too long the NJEA has hid behind "the children" as it has circulated outrageous and heinous attacks against Governor Christie via e-mail and the internet,” the Chairman continued. "Well, the union needs to step up now, take responsibility for its actions, and teach our children a lesson in civility and humility by apologizing to all of the appropriate parties.”

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