Monday, April 12, 2010

Pro-Business Governer Pushes NJ Growth

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno visited WorldWater and Solar Technologies in Princeton today to outline the administration’s comprehensive, aggressive economic development strategy for sustainable job creation and economic expansion.
“New Jersey is at a crossroads and if we are to take a different path from the past and bring long-term growth and prosperity, we must make the serious changes today to remove the barriers to job creation,” said Governor Christie. “I came to office with a promise to renew our economy and change the culture of government back towards fostering growth, new technology and innovation. My administration will not only draw on New Jersey’s many strengths, but in place the mechanisms and policies to attract new businesses, expand existing businesses and create meaningful jobs for our families.”
By leveraging New Jersey’s inherent strengths and resources, building on the successes of the Economic Development Agency, and institutionalizing a commitment to attract and retain businesses, the Christie-Guadagno Administration is putting forth a comprehensive plan to promote innovation and job creation.
The New Jersey Partnership for Action will be the hub for all economic development activity in New Jersey. The Partnership, through the three interconnected and highly focused organizational elements of Choose New Jersey, Government Process Solutions, and the Economic Development Agency, will accomplish the goals of attracting new business and helping existing businesses thrive by: focusing on relationship building and person to person outreach, promoting the state’s incentives and resources, developing pro-growth policies, and assisting businesses in navigating state government and programs.
“The challenges we face as a state are substantial and will take effort, cooperation and coordination from government, the private sector, and all New Jerseyans. But, I also believe that opportunity exists in those challenges,” said Lt. Governor Guadagno. “Today, we can invest in new, innovative and creative solutions to make New Jersey a home to growth and enter a new era of prosperity. I am proud to lead this effort with Governor Christie and am confident that, through a coordinated effort, the New Jersey Partnership for Action and Choose New Jersey will serve our state well in growing our economy, attracting and serving business and creating quality, sustainable jobs for New Jerseyans.”
Choose New Jersey, a privately-funded not for profit corporation, will help position New Jersey as a world-class leader in the competitive global market, creating a prosperous and vibrant economy for the state and its citizens by effectively leveraging its diverse resource base and utilizing its reputation for innovation. It will be led by a CEO who will promote New Jersey to existing and new businesses, encourage economic growth and opportunity, and spearhead promotional activities to aggressively market New Jersey as a business destination. · Government Process Solutions, reporting directly to the Lt. Governor, will consist of a team of business liaison representatives who will bring a customer service approach to coordination and navigation across state and local government agencies for businesses looking to remain, expand or locate in New Jersey.
The Economic Development Agency will continue in its role as the financing component for New Jersey job growth – overseeing many of New Jersey’s programs that support the business community. Through financial programs that provide access to capital in partnership with banks throughout New Jersey, EDA organizes incentive programs aimed at attracting new business and supporting the retention of our existing employers. The EDA will act as the State’s “bank for business” by providing support to the Partnership for Action with the State’s financing and incentive resources to leverage New Jersey’s strategic advantages.

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