Saturday, April 17, 2010

School Budgets: Vote 'NO!' On Tuesday!

New Jersey's State/Local Tax Burden Highest in Nation
Estimated at 11.8% of income, New Jersey's state/local tax burden percentage is the highest in the country, well above the national average of 9.7%. New Jersey taxpayers pay $6,610 per capita in state and local taxes.
New Jersey Property Taxes: Highest Per Capita in the Nation
New Jersey is one of the 37 states that collect property taxes at both the state and local levels. As in most states, local governments collect far more. New Jersey's localities collected $2,372.03 per capita in property taxes in fiscal year 2006, which is the latest year the Census Bureau published state-by-state property tax collections. At the state level, New Jersey collected $0.40 in property taxes during FY 2006, making its combined state/local property taxes $2,372.43 per capita, New Jersey's combined per capita collections were the highest in the nation.
The runaway taxing and spending must end.
Tuesday will provide you with one of your only chances to speak out against this nonsense.

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