Wednesday, April 21, 2010

WOW: 60% Of NJ School Budgets Nixed!

The New Jersey School Boards Association says that that 58.7 percent of the 537 school budgets voted on Tuesday were defeated.
That means that nearly six out of every ten budgets were defeated by the voters.
This is now a higher figure than the 54% estimate that was given out last night.
Overnight, as more budget votes were reported, things got worse for the teachers' union (the NJEA) and their cronies.
Understand this: People are angry.
They're in the mood to slash budgets and throw the rascals out.
In fact, if ordinary New Jersey voters were actually sitting in the State Legislature right now, we might actually begin to see some fiscal sanity.
Will the outrage continue and carry us to even more change and upheaval in November? One would have to hope so.
But don't make any assumptions.
The vested interests, the special interests, the powers that be know that they're in trouble. And they will do anything and everything to survive -- to keep the green trail flowing; to keep their cushy jobs; to keep bilking the taxpayers.
Be alert, New Jersey!
The battle has just begun.

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