Thursday, May 20, 2010

Promise Kept: Christie Vetoes Tax Hikes

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie today vetoed A-10 and A-20. A-10 was primarily sponsored by Assemblymembers Shelia Oliver and Joseph Cryan and Senators Steve Sweeney and Teresa Ruiz. A-20 was primarily sponsored by Assemblymembers Paul Moriarty, Linda Greenstein, and Celeste Riley and Senators Jim Whelen and Fred Madden.
In vetoing A-10, the Governor stated that he would not repeat the failed, irresponsible and unsustainable fiscal policies of the past by raising taxes on the highest taxed people in the nation. Further, the Governor pointed to New Jersey’s poor economic condition and cited the negative impact an additional tax increase would have on the State’s economic recovery and job creation efforts. The veto of A-10 rejects the adoption of the 116th tax increase on New Jerseyans in the last 8 years.
In vetoing A-20, the Governor cited concerns about the bill’s constitutionality, action already taken by his administration to restore funding for the PAAD and Senior Gold programs, as well as the imprudence of restoring additional spending commitments in the current fiscal and economic climate.

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