Thursday, June 3, 2010

Christie Ends Event Ticket Perks

The Office of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie today ordered the New Jersey Sports & Exposition Authority and the NJ Turnpike Authority, which runs the PNC Arts Center in Holmdel, to end the practice of making tickets at face value available to state employees and officials. Any “house” seats under control of the Authorities must now be turned over to the box offices and made available to the public.
The Governor's Office released two letters signed today by the Governor’s Chief Counsel, Jeffrey S. Chiesa, and sent to the New Jersey Sports & Exposition Authority and the Turnpike Authority. The Governor’s Press Secretary, Michael Drewniak, provided the following statement:
“The public can now be assured of having the same access to those seats, under the same market conditions, as anyone else, no matter who they work for. The prior policy had been in place for many years and set a bad example. And, frankly, it led people to believe that the playing field for tickets was not level. Times have changed, and it was time to end this practice.”

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