Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Christie Hails Runyan's Triumph

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (above) speaks at Jon Runyan headquarters during the victory celebration last night as the Runyan family looks on.

Governor Christie (above) praises Jon Runyan on his GOP primary victory. Christie said "there is no place else that I would rather be tonight than right here with Jon Runyan and all of you.

Republican congressional candidate Jon Runyan speaks to a jubilant crowd at his headquarters in Mt. Laurel last night. Runyan's win in the primary was even covered nationally by Fox News and others.

It was a big night in nearby Mt. Laurel last night as former Eagles football great Jon Runyan triumphed in the primary election and won the right to carry the GOP banner against incumbent Congressman John Adler in the fall election.
Runyan is considered a rising star in the Republican galaxy and that certainly showed when New Jersey Governor Chris Christie made the scene to congratulate Runyan, and as Christie put it "make sure that the right Jon becomes our congressman in November."
Christie was revved up for the November race as he told party loyalists crammed into the storefront Runyan headquarters: "You can rest tonight. You can enjoy this victory. You can celebrate. But I want you to get right back to work tomorrow because we've got a tough fight on our hands and we need a new congressman here in this district."
Christie said that his own election last November "proves that it can be done." And he added: "We can win but we need your help and your enthusiasm." The Governor extolled Runyan as the right kind of candidate that the GOP needs in the Garden State and Runyan himself wasted no time in charting his path toward victory.
"People keep asking me, "Runyan said "what experience do I have to serve in Congress?"
"Well," Runyan explained "It's true that I may not have a lot of experience in certain areas. I have no experience as a professional politician. I have no experience as a lifelong officeholder. And I have no experience raising taxes again and again and again at the state and local level."
That answer of course was a clear shot at Adler and Adler's record at a time when anti-incumbent fever is running high.
Runyan said the Congress should be composed of citizen legislators who are elected out of a sense of service and who don't make politics and being elected and re-elected to office their life's work.
"I'm doing this because I think we need a change and because I want to speak for and serve the people of this district," Runyan said.
Runyan was asked how football prepared him for the current race. "You may get hit but you've got to keep coming back. It can be a struggle at times. You have to face it and keep pressing forward," Runyan explained. "That's the way to win"
Both Runyan and Governor Christie acknowledged challenger Justin Murphy. For his part, Murphy never conceded defeat and never bothered to call Runyan to congratulate him on his victory.
All photos copyright 2010 by Dan Cirucci.


  1. Would you be able to share where you received the information about Mr. Murphy not calling Runyan to concede? I saw the same claim in the Courier Post today. The only problem is that everyone who was in the room with Justin Murphy says that he did call, and Runyan was too busy with Gov. Christie to take the call.

  2. My information came from the Courier Post and several other sources. Veteran Republicans told me that Murphy "never" concedes and doesn't bother to call.
    BTW: KYW and NJN called the election for Runyan at least an hour before Christie spoke so Murphy had plenty of time to call BEFORE the Governor arrived.
    AND the Governor was very gracious in his comments regarding Murphy.
    Bottom Line going forward: Murphy needs to get on the Runyan team.

  3. I should be clearer... I was in the room. As soon as NJN called the race, Justin Murphy said a few words to supporters, and as he walked by me with his phone in hand said "I have to call Jon." Murphy told those in the room that Gov. Christie was at Runyan's headquarters long before they made an appearance on TV. Apparently with all of the activity, Runyan's spokesperson didn't feel it was necessary for the two to talk on the phone. Justin Murphy said during the campaign and since the final results came in that he would support Jon Runyan, and that is what he is doing.

  4. OK. That sounds fine.
    At the Runyan hdqts. we were told that the Governor would arrive long before (about 90 minutes)he actually did arrive.
    So, everyone (including Jon's staff) was on alert for the Governor's arrival and everything sorta came to a standstill until the Governor was in the room -- and this went on for a long time.
    As you can imagine, everyone was pre-occupied with the Governor's "imminent" arrival.
    Way before the Governor arrived Runyan and his people and other GOP leaders were cordoned off in a sorta holding area. The setting and access were re-arranged per the wishes of the state police.
    The Governor did not linger on site either before or after he spoke (which was some time after 10 PM).
    I'm sure that the Runyan team will be reaching out to Murphy and his supporters in many ways.
    We MUST (and I believe will) work together.
    Thanks so much!

  5. I understand what you are saying and can certainly appreciate the excitement in the air... but even Obama took McCain's concession phone call.

    I absolutely would've been excited knowing the governor was coming on-site. It's a little hard for those who really felt Murphy was the better candidate to get behind Runyan when his campaign is still slandering Murphy in the press and leaking incorrect information. It reinforces the mentality that the "party" will do whatever they want and succeed regardless of the will of the people or the truth.

  6. Do you REALLY want the incumbent to remain in office?
    Do you want the wrong person to prevail?
    Is that what you want?
    In 1968 I supported Gene McCarthy, the "outsider" Democrat challenger to Hubert Humphrey. The historic Chicago Dem Convention was a sham (complete with riots and gestapo tactics in the streets0. I was there. I saw it all.
    But in the end I supported Humphrey and the Party over Nixon and his crowd.
    I NEVER regretted not supporting Nixon -- especially what came later with Watergate, etc.
    Take it from someone who's been through many battles (and who's lost more than a few). Get over it. You can't undo a loss. Make smaller compromises now so that you do not have to suffer worse consequences later.

  7. I am asking for respect. And I do not thing that is too much to ask. I do not look at politics as a game, I look at is as my future.

    As someone who had heard both Murphy and Runyan speak, I was more drawn to Murphy. But I would absolutely prefer Runyan over Adler.

    I do, however, get disillusioned when I am aware of the facts and read flat-out lies. If I am going to be lied to when we are in a primary among "friends" what the hell is going to happen in the general election? What can I believe?

    Make no mistake, the loss of my conscience or intelligence is not a small consequence and I will guard them ferociously. You may call me uncompromising, naive, I don't care. I refuse to compromise my values. By starting his general election with a lie about his primary opponent Mr. Runyan has done nothing to earn my respect. While I may not vote for John Adler, I certainly will not be knocking on doors for Mr. Runyan. (He couldn't knock on his own during the primary - see an archived Courier article).

  8. By the time I have taken with you and by the care I have taken in crafting my comments, I have certainly indicated my respect for your views.
    Politics is not a science. It is an inexact art.
    Furthermore, hardly anything in government is accomplished without compromise.
    I do not know the details of any "lies" or failure to knock on doors and I do not intend to go down the road here.
    Game or no game, the process has rules -- and consequences.
    And the aim of elections is to win the right to govern. You can't govern if you don't get elected. It's that simple.
    There was an election. Murphy lost.
    Now there are two choices.
    Those who choose not to vote actually vote by default -- against the candidate who might have received their vote.
    If you don't vote, you still have a right to complain but your complaints effectively have no standing; no credibility.
    I respect your views and your commitment. I've enjoyed this discourse. I thank you for following the blog and I wish you the best.
