Thursday, June 24, 2010

Christie Vetoes Waterfront C'ssn Budget Item

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie continued to exercise his authority to rein in wasteful and unnecessary government spending by rejecting a portion of the Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor’s proposed 2010-2011 budget.
The agency adopted the budget at its May 17 meeting. In accordance with provisions of the Waterfront Commission Compact, Governor Christie is directing the Waterfront Commission to reduce the budget’s “Total Regular Payroll” line item of $ 7,145,443 by $125,000. The amount was intended to be used for discretionary salary increases for which the Commission is not contractually obligated. With the $125,000 reduction, the Commission’s total FY2011 budget of $11,731,026 would be reduced to $11,606,026.
“Given the current fiscal climate, it is not financially appropriate to allow the Waterfront Commission to proceed with salary increases that are not contractually obligated,” Governor Christie said. “The Commission must adjust their budget accordingly as other state departments, commissions and authorities have done during this economic crisis.”
The bi-state Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor was created in 1953 to combat corruption in the shipping industry in the harbors of New York and New Jersey.
No other reductions were made to any other portion of the Commission’s proposed 2010-2011 budget.
This veto is the tenth exercised by Governor Christie against actions taken by various state authorities and commissions. Meeting minutes are scrutinized by the Governor's Office Authorities Unit, headed by Director Deborah Gramiccioni, to flag potentially wasteful spending.

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