Monday, June 7, 2010

Contact Hearst; Tell Them:Dismiss Helen Thomas!

You can call or e-mail Hearst corporate communications chief Paul Luthringer and tell him that Hearst needs to get rid of Helen Thomas. Fire her.
Call Paul Luthringer at 212-649-2540 or e-mail him at
Tell him that Helen Thomas must go.
Here's my e-mail to Luthringer:
Dear Mr. Luthringer:
The Hearst Corporation must directly and bluntly address the Helen Thomas imbroglio.
As a lifelong public relations practitioner, I understand that you have a responsibility to protect the reputation of a valued American brand. So, it makes sense that Hearst would issue a statement separating itself from Thomas' outrageously bigoted remarks.
But that's not enough. And neither is Thomas' apology.
Thomas has now already admitted she "crossed the line." Indeed she did. And her actions warrant dismissal.
It behooves the Hearst Corporation to fire Helen Thomas now. That is the right thing to do.
Hearst is her employer. And so long as that is the case, Hearst will be tainted with and by this mess. You need to make a complete break with Helen Thomas.
You need to do it not just for the reputation of the corporation but because it is the right thing to do.
Don't delay. Do it now.
Dan Cirucci


  1. I just emailed this comment to Mr. Luthringer. (Tried to find your email address to cc, but no success. :)

    Paul Luthringer
    Hearst Corporation

    Dear Mr. Luthringer:

    I am a former Canadian soldier and UN peacekeeper (UNEF II, Middle East) whose (non-Jewish) parents lived through Nazi occupation and saw Jews taken away to be murdered. Helen Thomas's apparent utter lack of knowledge for the basic history of the creation of the State of Israel is both shocking and dangerous given her position as a senior White House correspondent.

    I urge you to fire her for her repugnant remarks, but if you choose not to do the right thing, then perhaps you might at least insist that she take a history lesson. I have prepared a special page that may be helpful for her, and other Hearst employees:

    VoiceofCanada feature: Israel's fight for survival: a short history


    Mark Vandermaas

    Thanks for posting this. I linked to your previous post in my Helen Thomas article:


  2. Kudos to Helen Thomas. She is right. Israel should get the hell out of Palestine. We all feel bad about the holocaust. But does that mean we should allow the persecuted to persecute others? The Jews in Israel have displaced the Palestine people from their homes just as was done to them.

    Good for Helen for speaking the truth and not opting for political correctness. Enough is enough. America is not Israel's mouthpiece. We should fight oppression wherever it occurs. .

  3. Kudos to Helen Thomas. She is right. Israel should get the hell out of Palestine. We all feel bad about the holocaust. But does that mean we should allow the persecuted to persecute others? The Jews in Israel have displaced the Palestine people from their homes just as was done to them.

    Good for Helen for speaking the truth and not opting for political correctness. Enough is enough. America is not Israel's mouthpiece. We should fight oppression wherever it occurs. .

  4. Well, so much for freedom of speech in the USA. Apparently it does not apply to anyone who voices anything against Israel. When did they all become sacred cows? Helen is absolutely correct, the Jews should get out of Palestine. They are as bad as the Nazis. They behave like a gang of thugs with their treatment of the Palestinian population.

  5. Dear Ms Thomas.


    your instincts are as fine as they ever were.

    Judaism is a wonderful religion.
    Israel is a monster state.

    Jews must realize you can criticize the monster state without attacking their religion.

    DO NOT BACK DOWN Ms Thomas.

    Go out in a flame of denial. YOU ARE RIGHT AND HISTORY WILL SHOW YOU TO BE SO.


  6. This is surely a shock to America, the war which will bring a giant to his doom is a war inside him. Perhaps a civil war. And when the public and the gov dont agree which each other that is a sign of trouble. Why does the US gov support Israel so much? Israel has become a burden rather than a asset. And yes jews should go back to Poland where they came from in the first place.

  7. What a shame the First Amendment does not apply to anybody commenting on the behavior of the State of Israel. Whether spying on the US (Pollard), attacking US naval vessels (USS Liberty), attacking relief vessels in international waters, killing hundreds of children in Lebanon in 2009, conducting a hit in Dubai and on and on, any comment made on the political body is attacked as being anti-Semitic. I guess when you can't fairly answer a criticism the best thing to do is scream some label to shut people up. Being from Idaho I suppose I'll be labeled a Nazi or something equally bad -- just mitigate my complaint.

  8. Dear Mr Cirucci

    Thank you for your volatile and pathetic outburst. It was most helpful as it supplied me with what I was looking for; an email address to send a letter of condolence and support to one of the greats of American journalism. She was opening professional doors for women and migrants when you were dribbling into your bib, and you should be ashamed of yourself for contributing to hounding her out of office.

    A century from now everyone will remember Helen Thomas. And you? You're pathetic little blog will have been swamped by a billion others and will be forgotten, thank goodness.

  9. Mr. Cirucci (and I use the term Mr. loosely). You are a fool, and this is pathetic. Way to go, I bet you feel really tough vilifying an 89 year-old woman. This is the United States of America, not the United States of Israel. They may own the politicians and the media, but the Jews don't own the people. In fact, I would even go so far as to say that your unbiased support of Israel and your actions, especially because of the fact that Israel EXECUTED an American citizen and you continue to support them, would constitute treason. America doesn't need people like you, why don't you move to Israel if you love it so much, because we sure as hell don't need you in America.

    An American Christian

  10. I love Helen Thomas and she is right on the money. In 1967 the Israelis blew the USS Liberty out of the water and killed 30 or 40 american servicemen. Now they attack a humanitarian vessel with a hit-list and execute nine, including an American citizen shot four times in the head and once in the chest at poin-blank range. The so-called Israeli state is nothing more than a continuation of the Third Reich under slightly different cover. We are complicit and subsidize this terrorist state, giving them more money and support the more cowardly they behave. Send the scum back to Poland, Germany, Austria and give the ground back to the Palestinians. We should be carpet-bombing Israel instead of coddling them. Regards, Celestino Martirez

  11. I too am thankful for this blog so I have an email address to send my letter of support to Helen Thomas. How is it right wing nuts like O'Reilly can practically deny the holocaust and not lose their jobs but when a liberal speaks their mind they are pilloried? Israel has a lot to answer for and yet they hide behind the cry of anti-Semite should anyone question a single thing they do. I am not an anti-Semite but I am sick and tired of Israel using that accusation against every argument.

  12. This is what I had to say in my email:

    Dear Helen,

    I just want to say that what you have said about Israel is courageous. And there was nothing offensive nor anti semitic about it. Israel was not created as a direct result of the Holocaust but of decades of colonial ambitions. You did not say "Jews get the hell out of Palestine", you specifically said "Israel". Back in the 40'sThe holocaust victims' first choice was to migrate to Western Europe or America, but were forced and 'shipped' by the zionist movement to Palestine. I hope you are not dismayed or disillussioned by all the attacks that have come down on you.

    So much for free speech in America, when the stuff said on channels like Fox News are blatantly racist.

    You have huge supporters who probably are not expressing their opinions endlessly on the world wide web as much as your detractors. Thank you and keep your head and voice up.

    Tarek (an Arab Christian just for the record)

  13. My question is: Wasn't Helen Thomas referring to Israelis "getting the hell out of" the West Bank and Gaza, the area proposed for the Palestinian homeland? If so, this is the position of the United States. Until there is a Palestinian homeland, there will be no peace for Israel, for the Middle East, or for the United States. Helen's comments are being misinterpreted to mean that there should be no Israel, and is being used by Zionists to intimidate anyone who opposes their hawkish, expansionist policies.
