Sunday, June 27, 2010

Enjoying Jersey Fresh Blueberry Pancakes

I spent some time this morning making blueberry pancakes.
And I'm happy to say that the results were perfecto!
There were two secrets (well, actually three) to my perfect pancakes.
First, I used fresh Jersey blueberries. This is the season for Jersey blueberries and they're absolutely wonderful this year. These blueberries define the term "Jersey Fresh."
Second, I bought my blueberries right at the farm -- at Pastore Orchards on the White Horse Pike in Hammonton, New Jersey. These plump, sweet, beautiful blueberries are grown and packed by Neil Pastore, III and they are magnificent.
Finally, I used Bisquick's Shake 'n Pour pancake mix. Shake 'n Pour is as simple as it says it is and it's very neat; no mess at all. It's a wonderful product.
Better than the time I spent actually making the pancakes (and cleaning up) was the time I spent eating the pancakes. They were light, fluffy and golden brown -- positively dreamy.
And those blueberries? They added a sweetness and freshness that inspires one to exclaim: "Bella!"

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