Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Entire County Board Endorses Cap 2.5

Today, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's Office announced that all seven members of the Passaic County Board of Chosen Freeholders*, four Democrats and three Republicans, have endorsed Governor Christie’s Cap 2.5 Reform Agenda to bring real property tax relief to New Jersey families.
“Like families, businesses and every government around New Jersey, county government too must change the way we do business and fundamentally reform our budgeting process. Governor Christie’s Reform Agenda gives us the tools to accomplish these changes by lowering costs while delivering key services to New Jerseyans who rely on them –all under a real property tax cap to provide relief in our communities,” said Freeholder Director Bruce James. “Passaic Freeholders are proud to stand with the Governor in fighting for real property tax relief.”
Freeholders understand the difficulties confronted by families and businesses from ever-increasing property taxes and the need to deliver the real, long-term relief offered by the Christie Reform Agenda. Freeholders are joining the hundreds of mayors from across New Jersey standing up in support of Governor Christie and his Reform Agenda to lower costs, cap property taxes and cap state spending.
“New Jerseyans have suffered for far too long under Trenton’s failure to enact real property tax reform. There is no more time for excuses, empty gestures or anything short of the comprehensive reform of the Christie Reform Agenda,” said Freeholder Michael Marotta. “Now, we must deliver real, permanent solutions to put New Jersey’s property tax crisis in check. This is exactly why every Passaic County freeholder is standing alongside Governor Christie and his reforms.”
On May 10th, the Governor outlined a sweeping property tax reform package to solve New Jersey's property tax crisis and control spending at every level of government. The centerpiece of the plan is Cap 2.5, a constitutional amendment creating a 2.5 percent cap on property tax increases.
Legislative committee approval for the Cap 2.5 constitutional amendment is needed before the first week of July in order to meet the deadline for the bill to be moved to the floor and approved for placement on the ballot and consideration by the voters in November. Governor Christie is urging the Assembly and Senate leadership and legislators of both parties to work with him in putting this critical government reform before the voters for approval this November.
Property taxes have grown an astonishing 70% over the last ten years, resulting in an average annual property tax bill of $7,281 on New Jersey families - the highest rate in the nation. Cap 2.5 will halt the astonishing growth in property taxes while the Christie Reform Agenda will give towns and school boards the tools needed to control spending to make Cap 2.5 both realistic and achievable.

*In New Jersey, Freeholders is the name given to elected county commissioners.

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