Sunday, June 6, 2010

Exclusive Photo Inside Limbaugh Wedding

The exclusive photo above was taken inside the security-ringed Rush Limbaugh wedding last night at the posh Breakers resort in Palm Beach, Florida.
In the photo, you can see Rudy Giuliani (right) chatting with a gentleman who may or may not be Rush Limbaugh. Most likely, the gentleman is another guest. The photo appears to be in the portico just outside the Tapestry Bar of the luxurious hotel. The guests were proceeding from cocktails at The Circle (shown in earlier posting, below) to the reception in the Ponce deLeon Balroom.
It's been reported that Elton John entertained at the wedding which welcomed 400 guests and cost a cool $3 million.
We also hear that former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson was the the wedding as well.
If and when I get more details, I'll let you know.

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