Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Major Media Endorse Christie's Cap 2.5 Plan

Governor Christie Christie’s Cap is Real Reform:

“Christie's plan is the one that does the most for New Jersey taxpayers.”

(Courier-Post, “Tax cap should be in constitution,” 6/27/10)

A Constitutional Amendment is What New Jersey Needs:

“A constitutional amendment would lock in a tax cap as much as possible. For New Jerseyans who've seen so many false promises of property tax relief over the years, a constitutional amendment that legislators couldn't squirm out of easily, water down or simply kill after a few years would constitute the most significant achievement toward property tax relief our state has ever seen.” (Courier-Post, “Tax cap should be in constitution,” 6/27/10)

Giving Voters Control of Their Property Taxes is a Refreshing Idea:

“In a state where voters don't have enough direct input in the taxing and spending process, we like that Christie's plan would give local voters the chance to spend more, and raise their taxes by more than 2.5 percent, if there's a compelling reason -- and in some towns and school districts, there would occasionally be a good reason to exceed the cap.” (Courier-Post, “Tax cap should be in constitution,” 6/27/10)

The Current Property Cap Needs to be Replaced by Governor Christie’s Proposal:

“The 4 percent cap has had an undeniable impact…But the 4 percent cap is full of exceptions that allow towns and school districts to exceed it. We still need to swing the pendulum further in the other direction to control spending and increases. Christie's constitutional amendment is the proposal that best does that.” (Courier-Post, “Tax cap should be in constitution,” 6/27/10)

The Democrats’ Flawed Cap Plans are Putting Politics Ahead of New Jerseyans

“Democrats who are nervous about the governor’s plan to cap property taxes are trying to rush their own version into law during the final hours of the legislative session. It’s a mistake, on both policy and politics…We deserve better government than this.” (The Star-Ledger Editorial Board, Tax cap politics: Democrats rush a flawed plan, 6/27/10)

Legislative Leaders Want to Keep “Business as Usual” Instead of Fixing the Problem:

“For those who were hoping the Legislature would give thoughtful consideration to the state’s central problem, we offer condolences. This was all politics.” (The Star-Ledger Editorial Board, Tax cap politics: Democrats rush a flawed plan, 6/27/10)

Open and Honest Debate and Leadership Absent in the Legislature:

“The Legislature’s job is to weigh these competing plans and draft a proposal that makes sense. Instead, they are pushing their hastily drafted plan and bypassing the governor’s for now…This is rank politics. Where do we go to find thoughtful leadership?” (The Star-Ledger Editorial Board, Tax cap politics: Democrats rush a flawed plan, 6/27/10)

“It’s not time for party politics, we’ve got to fix problems and whether you live in Summit, New Jersey or in the Weequahic section in Newark, you know the cost of homes are crashing, the cost of living is going up and your taxes are going up…so we’ve got to do something that’s going to control costs in the State of New Jersey and create a climate for jobs to really thrive.

- Newark Mayor Cory Booker

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