Monday, June 28, 2010

Murphy Using Tax $$$ To Promote Campaign?

The Independence Hall Tea Party PAC is calling on Pennsylvania Congressman Patrick Murphy to immediately reimburse US taxpayers for two recently mailed brochures, paid for by the US Treasury, which are clearly nothing more than promotional pieces for his re-election campaign.
The brochures, entitled "Mark Your Calendar" and "Creating Jobs," were mailed within the last two weeks and tout Mr. Murphy's record on the unemployment crisis -- boasting about his role in bringing jobs to the 8th Congressional District at a time when the unemployment rate has actually soared."These brochures are campaign pieces designed to help a desperate candidate,
Mr. Murphy, appears to have created jobs, when in reality, jobs have been lost as the unemployment rate in our district has more than doubled in the last two years," said
Middletown Township resident and Independence Hall Tea Party PAC board member, Phil Schieber."Mr. Murphy's name and image is plastered all over these brochures. This is a shameless use of taxpayer money and a prime example of why the Tea Party movement has sprung to life--to put an end to taxpayer abuse," Schieber said."We call upon Mr. Murphy to use his campaign funds to immediately pay back the American taxpayer."What Mr. Murphy's brochures do not mention is his support of economic and social policies, like the ill-fated Stimulus package and the recent government takeover of the health care industry, that have led to historic unemployment rates and record deficit spending."
Moreover, during Mr. Murphy's time in office, the unemployment rate in Bucks County has skyrocketed from 3.8% to a high of 7.6% and the national debt has tripled.
"Mr. Murphy has voted for at least a dozen tax increases and for adding trillions of dollars to the national debt. No wonder he thinks it's okay to spend thousands of dollars on the creation, production, and mailing of slick campaign brochures at taxpayer expense," Schieber said."The Tea Party movement will not stand by and idly watch this type of taxpayer abuse. And I predict--neither will the voters of the 8th Congressional District."

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