Thursday, June 17, 2010

Whoa! Chris Christie Loves The Cowboys?

I'm not a sports fan in any real sense of the word.
I've always felt that sports -- especially professional sports -- is way overrated.
Yes, I'm happy to see the Phillies or the Flyers or the Sixers win and I'm delighted when one of them wins it all. And I've also rooted for the Eagles.
But when it comes to football I truly regard the Cowboys as America's Team.
The aptly-named Cowboys have come to represent something way beyond football. The team conjures up images of the rough and tumble, freedom-loving world of America's great frontier: the West. Just like Texas, the Dallas Cowboys are bigger than life. Everything about the team plays out on a grand stage.
Of course I am an honorary Texan so when I visited Texas one of my first stops was the Dallas Cowboys training camp. I was not disappointed. It was a day I'll always remember.
And so will my son who is also a Cowboys fan.
The Cowboys are a marquee franchise, just like the New York Yankees: big, rich, storied, valuable. And more often than not (just like the Yankees) they deliver.
So, I have to admit it: I like the Cowboys. because I figure if you're gonna do it, why not do it right?
And now it turns out that at least one other person in New Jersey feels the same way. I'm not sure who was a Dallas Cowboys fan first (him or me) but I'm delighted to discover that he's one of us. And I'm reassured that I'm in very good company, indeed.

Here's the story from Ed Valentine of SB Nation NY and Steve Politi of the Star Ledger:
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is a Dallas Cowboys' fan. Say what? It's true. In a very candid interview with the Star-Ledger's Steve Politi the governor admitted as much. In fact, he added that he really isn't even a fan of the teams in his own state. Here is the pertinent part of Politi's interview with Christie.

I have to pin you down on this: Is it true you’re a closet Cowboys fan?

I am. My son is a huge Jets fan, so I’ve become a secondary Jets fan. Listen, I grew up in the early 1970s and became a huge Roger Staubach fan and a Cowboys fan. Believe me, it doesn’t get me anything political around here because the Giants fans hate me, the Eagles fans hate me, it doesn’t matter. But you grow up rooting for a team. That’s just the way it works.

And you never thought about faking or hiding this?

I don’t nuance much very well (laughs). You know what? I always hated Hillary Clinton wearing a Cubs hat or a Yankees hat. I’m a Cowboys fan, I’m a Mets fan, I’m a Rangers fan, I’m a Knicks fan. I’ve got the Devils and the Nets in New Jersey, but I grew up when the Nets were on Long Island and the Devils didn’t exist. It’s not that I don’t want the Devils to do well. I want them to do well when they’re playing anybody but the Rangers. That’s who I grew up rooting for.

I don't know anything about Christie's politics. I do know that maybe Christie should stay home to watch the games.

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