Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Another Bloated Agency (DRPA) Robs Taxpayers

New jersey Assemblyman Domenick DiCicco, R-Gloucester and Camden, yesterday called on the Attorneys General of New Jersey and Pennsylvania to investigate the Delaware River Port Authority (DRPA) and its practices following the admitted abuse of public funds by its public safety director and reports of alleged cronyism and pension padding.

See today's news articles below:
DRPA CEO John Matheussen, who called the matter "a judgment error," imposed a small fine on DRPA Director of Public Safety Michael Joyce for allowing his daughter to use a borrowed authority-issued transponder for 18 months to travel to Philadelphia to attend school.

In a letter requesting the federal probe, DiCicco wrote, "The public is entitled to know whether this episode warrants criminal charges and if the authority is engaged in any other practice that law enforcement should be concerned with. Separate media reports have suggested instances of cronyism and pension padding. All matters should be fully investigated."

The $300-million-a-year bi-state agency is funded by the $4 tolls of hard-working New Jersey and Pennsylvania commuters and families who cross the Delaware River for work and recreation.

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