Thursday, July 8, 2010

A 'Centrist' Who Does Pelosi's Bidding? No Way!

Can a congressman who votes with uber-liberal San Francisco Democrat Nancy Pelosi more than 90 percent of the time be considered an "independent-minded centrist?"
Seem implausible to you?
Nonetheless, this is what John Adler would have you believe.
Because this is how Congressman Adler tried to characterize himself during a recent joint appearance with his GOP opponent, Jon Runyan.
Not once but twice, Adler called himself an "independent-minded centrist."
Obviously Adler wants that catch phrase to stick.
He knows this is no year (and South Jersey is no place) to be tagged a liberal.
But Adler's convenient self-portrait doesn't jive with the facts.
You can't be a centrist and vote with Nancy Pelosi more than nine out of 10 times. It just doesn't work that way.
And, you can't be a "centrist" in South Jersey and a San Francisco liberal in Washington. Still, that's what Adler seems to want. His record goes left while he tries to move his rhetoric to the right.
But voters are paying keen attention this year and they're very suspicious of career politicians like Adler.
Arlen Specter tried to play this game as well. But at least Specter's voting record was more centrist-focused that Adler's. Still, the hypocrisy caught up with Specter.
Here's what Jon Runyan has to say about all this:
“As a long-time State Senator in Trenton, John Adler voted with Jon Corzine and Jim McGreevey 99% of the time, rubber-stamping fiscally irresponsible state budgets that saddled New Jersey residents with the highest taxes in the country and pushed state government to the brink of bankruptcy,” said Runyan.
“As a Congressman in Washington, John Adler has voted with Nancy Pelosi more than 90% of the time and led our country down a dangerous path of runaway spending and unsustainable debt. His well-documented record in Trenton and Washington tells you a lot about the real John Adler – and none of it backs up his election-year claim of being an independent-minded centrist.”

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