Monday, July 12, 2010

Christie Appointed To Prestigious N'tl. Post

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie yesterday was appointed to the Executive Committee of the National Governor’s Association (NGA) during the closing forum of the group’s 102nd annual meeting in Boston.
“We’ve demonstrated in New Jersey that working together we can achieve realistic and sustainable solutions to our biggest problems,” said Governor Christie. “As a member of the Executive Committee, I look forward to sharing a very distinct New Jersey perspective on some of the most serious fiscal and economic issues facing governors all across the country.”
The nine-person Executive Committee, comprised of four members of the chair’s party and
five members of the opposite party, is responsible for overseeing operations and establishing the policy issue priorities of the organization.
Governor Christie has served on the NGA Economic Development and Commerce Committee since he took office in January 2010.
Founded in 1908, the National Governor’s Association is a bipartisan organization of the nation’s governors who come together to promote leadership, best practices and a unified voice on national policy.

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