Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Many Infidelities Of Democrat Presidents

Consider the following: Since FDR, nearly every Democrat president and at least two Democrat vice-presidents have been implicated in sexual misadventures and/or been identified as philanderers.
We are reminded of this as new allegations are lodged against former Vice President (and almost-president) Al Gore.
Of course, Franklin D. Roosevelt carried on a longtime affair with his secret lover, Lucy Mercer who was with him when he died in Warm Springs, Georgia in 1945. Also, Roosevelt's son Elliott claimed that FDR had a 20-year affair with his private secretary Marguerite "Missy" LeHand.
John F. Kennedy's sexual dalliances were said to be so numerous and so frequent as to be almost incalculable. Among his many presumed paramours were Angie Dickinson, Marilyn Monroe, two White House secretaries known as "Fiddle" and "Faddle," and Judith Campbell Exner who was also involved with mob boss Sam Giancana.
Kennedy's vice president and successor as president, Lyndon B. Johnson was also said to have a voracious sexual appetite. His affairs are well documented in the book, In The President's Secret Service by Ronald Kessler. At one point, Lady Bird Johnson was reported to have walked in on her husband in flagrante delicto with another woman in the White House. Years later, Lady Bird as much as acknowledged her husband's affairs during a Barbara Walters interview when she said that "Lyndon was a lover of people and half of all the people in the world are women."
Of course, we needn't chronicle the sexual adventures of Bill Clinton before, during and after his White House years. From Gennifer Flowers to Monica Lewinsky to Julie Tauber McMahon, the list of President Clinton's reported sexual partners just seems to go on and on. One woman, Juanita Broaddrick even claimed to be raped by Clinton.
And now we discover that Clinton's Vice President, Al Gore is facing several sexual assault allegations of his own.
And then there's former Democrat Vice Presidential candidate John Edwards who fathered a child out of wedlock with Rielle Hunter.
As for Democrat presidential aspirants, we would merely note that Jesse Jackson also fathered a child out of wedlock and that Gary Hart was caught having an affair with Donna Rice.
Incredibly, every one of these philanderers presented an image of marital fidelity to the public. So, you can add hypocrisy to their infidelity.
But even with all that, the Democrats still have Harry Truman and Jimmy Carter as models of marital virtue. There is absolutely no evidence pointing to sexual misadventures by either of these presidents. Truman (one of our greatest presidents) was forever loyal to Bess. And Carter (one of our worst) has apparently been ever-faithful to Rosalynn, even though he once confessed to Playboy magazine that he "lusted in his heart."

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