Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Toomey: Sestak Health Care Will Pile Up Costs

Yesterday, at a press conference with local Delaware County doctors, Pennsylvania U.S. Senate candidate and former small business owner Pat Toomey highlighted the major differences between his approach of more competition and less costs to Congressman Joe Sestak’s government-run health care bill.

Congressman Joe Sestak and his Democratic colleagues have a history of overpromising and under-delivering.

CLAIM #1: Sestak and his Democratic colleagues promised that health care costs would not go up.

TRUTH: According to the Congressional Budget Office and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services the health care bill will do nothing to control health care costs and will actually cause health care costs to skyrocket (CBO, 05/28/10) (CMS, 04/22/10)

CLAIM #2: Sestak and his Democratic colleagues promised that if you like your health care coverage you will get to keep it.

TRUTH: According to the Congressional Budget Office, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and President Obama’s own Department of Health and Human Services, millions will lose their coverage because of the Sestak’s government-run health care bill. Former CBO director Doug Holtz-Eakin also said that the health care legislation will encourage employers to drop their current insurance plans for as many as 35 million Americans. (CBO, 03/18/10) (CMS, 04/22/10) (Federal Register, 06/17/10) (American Action Forum, May 2010)

CLAIM #3: Sestak and his Democrats promised that they wouldn’t raise taxes on the middle class.

TRUTH: The Joint Committee on Taxation found that Sestak’s government-run health care bill will increase taxes on the middle class by $3.9 billion in 2019 alone. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services also found that the medical device tax, pharmaceutical fees, and excise tax will be passed on to consumers. (CMS, 04/22/10) (The Hill, 04/12/10)

“Congressman Joe Sestak’s solution for every problem is more government, more spending, and more taxes, and the result is always to make the problem worse,” said Toomey Communications Director Nachama Soloveichik. “Objective sources have reported that Congressman Sestak’s government-run health care bill will increase health care costs, increase taxes on the middle class, and cause millions of people to lose their current coverage. Pennsylvanian’s don’t need those kind of ‘solutions.’”

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