Monday, August 30, 2010

Are Iraq, Afghanistan Distractions For Obama?

Are the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan a distraction for President Obama?
Sometimes, it certainly seems that way.
In a recent New York Times piece on the President as Commander in Chief, reporter Peter Baker notes: "Where George W. Bush saw the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan as his central mission and opportunities to transform critical regions, Mr. Obama sees them as 'problems that need managing,' as one adviser put it, while he pursues his mission of transforming America." 
Some people wonder whether Obama even wants to be Commander in Chief -- whether he even likes the job.
In Commentary, Jennifer Rubin declares: "Obama doesn’t like being commander in chief, isn’t good at it, and has relied on one tutor, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, who is leaving next year."
Many believe Obama feels these are not his wars. He inherited them. He has to manage them. He will try to bring them to a conclusion. But he's got other, more important problems on his mind.
Well, let's hope this isn't the case.
Because if it is, we're all in trouble.
Read the New York Times piece here.
Read the Commentary piece here.

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