Friday, August 13, 2010

'Cathy' Comic Strip Ending After 34 Years

Some unsettling news from Melissa Gray at CNN
For 34 years, she has obsessed about food, relationships, work, and her mother -- but now Cathy the comic-strip character is about to say goodbye.
Creator Cathy Guisewite says she is ending the comic strip in October in order to spend more time with her family and pursue new creative ventures.
The strip, which has run in some 1,400 newspapers, will run for the last time October 3, according to Universal Uclick, the syndicate."After almost 34 years of meeting newspaper deadlines," Guisewite said in a statement, "I'm facing some personal deadlines whose requirements simply exceed my ability to procrastinate any longer: an 18-year-old daughter who needs a full-time mom to help her through her last year of high school and beyond ... beloved parents I want to be able to visit more often ... and a creative biological clock, which is urging me to try something else while I can." . . .
Find the full story at CNN.

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