Thursday, August 26, 2010

Crusty 'Ole Alan Simpson: Get Off The Stage

The co-chair of President Obama's bipartisan debt commission is under fire for some rather intemperate written remarks contained in an e-mail response to a critic.
Former Republican Senator Alan Simpson called Social Security "a milk cow with 310 million tits!"
And then Simpson told his critic: "Call when you get honest work."
Prior to this Simpson characterized those who oppose cuts to Social Security benefits as "Gray Panthers" and "Pink Panthers."
Well, Simpson doesn't have to worry about Social Security benefits because he gets a Big Fat Pension and other lavish benefits as a former US Senator.
Later, Simpson said he did not intend for his comments to cause "anguish."
Awwww . . . . ain't that nice?
Alan Simpson who is now 79, served for 20 years in the United States Senate and held the spotlight as Senate Majority Whip under Bob Dole. Simpson's father was also a Senator.
But Alan Simpson hasn't served in public office for more than a decade.
Simpson has never been known for his tact and he seems to enjoy verbal bullying.
He can do all the bullying he wants privately, with friends and family.
Now, however the time has come for him to resign his public position. It's time to get off the stage. These old "jokes" aren't funny anymore.

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