Thursday, August 26, 2010

Democrats Beginning To Admit: Prospects Look Dim

Key Democrats in Washington and beyond are beginning to admit that the party's prospects look dim for this November.
It's not just the hotly contested congressional races that have Democrats worried -- it's also what were once considered some of the "safe" seats.
 The reality is that the GOP is putting more and more House and Senate seats in play. And since Democrats hold a wide majority (and have way more members trying to hold seats) that means more and more Democrats are at risk. Many Washington insiders, Democrat pollsters and even Dem House members (including members who hold what were once considered "safe" seats) are privately conceding that chances of retaining the House may be disappearing. And those who have witnessed sea-changing elections before now fear that the dominoes may begin to fall and the Senate could even be lost outright or effectively lost through a greatly diminished Democrat majority.
Democrats are scratching their heads and wondering how the summer drifted away without any type of economic progress whatsoever -- and no Democrat rebound.
Many Democrats feel abandoned by President Obama and are wondering what the President and his advisers are thinking. But of course, they have little idea of finding out since the President is still on vacation (his tenth this year) enjoying golf, reading, shopping, sailing and eating lobster at one of America's trendiest and most exclusive resorts -- an island enclave for the super-rich.
So, for now Obama's out of the picture and (with dwindling poll numbers) doesn't seem to be of much help when he is around.
As for Biden, people are even astounded that Joe Biden tried to step forward and argue that "we're headed in the right direction" -- this while unemployment remains high, home sales have tanked, the stock market goes wobbly and fears of a double-dip recession (or even a depression) deepen.
It's not a pretty sight.
But remember, there are still 67 days to go before the election.
A lot can happen in two months and seven days.
In politics, even a few days can sometimes seem like an eternity.
And there's always a chance that fate can hand the Democrats an extraordinary opportunity between now and election day.
For now however, the boys and gals at camp LeftWing are not a happy group of campers. Not happy at all.
Ain't it a shame?

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