Sunday, August 15, 2010

Most Florida Voters Favor Arizona Type Law

Rasmussen has news about Florida voters embracing an Arizona type immigration law:
Most voters in Florida support an immigration law like the one recently passed in Arizona in their state.
A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 60% of Likely Voters in the state favor a similar immigration law in Florida, which is in line with national findings.
Twenty-seven percent oppose such a law, and 13% are not sure one way or the other.
The percentage of supporters has held fairly steady since last month, when 62% supported an Arizona-like immigration law.
[Support for the Arizona law has been consistent throughout the nation.]
Only four states have support below 50% and three top 70%. That same month, 60% of Florida voters also opposed the U.S. Justice Department’s challenge of Arizona’s immigration law.
For the full story see Rasmussen Reports.

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