Monday, August 23, 2010

Obama The Head Of A 'Dysfunctional Family'?

Over at the New York Times, columnist Maureen Dowd says America is one vast "dysfunctional family."
And she also sees the country "going mad in herds."
In many ways, she feels sorry for President Obama -- that he has to lead a nation that's "having some sort of weird mass nervous breakdown."
Funny, I don't feel like I'm having a nervous breakdown.
Among those that she blames for this sorry state of affairs are Rush Limbaugh (are you surprised?) and Rev. Franklin Graham.
She's not uncritical of President Obama but she still seems to feel that Obama is rational and most of the rest of us are are not. She says Obama is "a high minded man in a low-minded age."
Whew! Now it's not just the country, it's the whole age we live in that's dumb and dumber.
So, let's summarize: Obama is more rational, smarter and high-minded than the rest of us. We're mostly dysfunctional, irrational and low-minded.
And, even though the Democrats control the Presidency, the House, the Senate and are thisclose to controlling the Supreme Court, the source of our problems is not Obama, Pelosi, Reid or any of the people who are currently running the country.
Rather, the fault lies with people like Limbaugh and Rev. Graham.
Get it?
You can read Maureen Dowd's column by clicking here.

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