Saturday, August 28, 2010

Obama Like Reagan? Sorry, Try Again.

In the Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan takes a keen look at Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama at the same time in their presidencies. Here's part of what she finds:
Mr. Obama's supporters like to compare him with Reagan: 18 months in he had difficulties in the polls too, and a recession. But Reagan was focused on what the American people were focused on: the economy, the size and role of government, the challenge of the Soviet Union. And on the eternal No. 1 issue, the economy, Reagan had a plan that seemed to make sense, in rough terms to try to cut spending and taxes, and force out inflation. People were willing to give it a try. Mr. Obama's plan, to a lot of people, does not make sense, or does not seem fully pertinent, or well-executed.
Read the full Peggy Noonan column at the Journal.

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