Sunday, August 29, 2010

One Of The Year's Dumbest Editorials

The New York Times is out today with one of the dumbest editorials I've ever read.
It seems as if the Times is trying to chastise President Obama for the worsening economic situation. But the Times now has so much invested in Obama that the newspaper is simply unable to go ahead and place the bame for this mess where it really belongs.
So, the Times sorta blames Congress.
But, guess what?
The Congress is fully controlled by President Obama's party -- and by a wide margin, in both houses.
And since the ultra-liberal Times has no intention of blaming Democrats for anything the newspaper winds up blaming the people who have the least amount of power in the whole scheme of things -- the Republicans.
According to the Times, Obama's big challenge now is heading off Republican criticism. The Times says the President can do this with a sort of tough love economic policy that lays out cold, hard truths and asks for more sacrifice from the American people.
Can you imagine?
What is Obama supposed to do -- ask for even higher taxes?
Well, that's what we'll get if the Bush tax cuts are left to expire at the end of the year.
And surely that's what the Times would like.
But deep in the editorial the Times is forced to admit that the frequently-postponed economic rebound is simply not going to arrive in time for the midterm elections.
Why? Because the stimulus package was not big enough, the ediorial argues.
So now it seems the liberal line is that we need even more government money poured into this mess and even more government programs and even higher and higher taxes.
There's just one problem with that suggestion.
The public's not buying it.
And the public will have its say very, very soon.
You can read the entire Times editorial (should you care to) by clicking here.

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