Friday, August 20, 2010

Prince Charles Finds His Cause: Short Showers

Britain's Prince Charles is urging his countrymen to take short five-minute showers and "snub the tub" to save energy.
It's part of Charles' latest campaign to save the earth.
But spokespersons for the Prince refuse to say whether or not he follows his own advice. They simply say that the Prince follows most of the tips on his "save energy" list.
Let's face it, Prince Charles has become a bit of a joke.
As long as his mum is alive and continues to reign, he has nothing to do. And it appears as if the Queen will live as long as her mum, who lived past the ripe old age of 1oo.
So Charles is left to find projects for himself.
But nobody takes him very seriously. He's like an overgrown adolescent.
It's possible that he may indeed be a very fine person -- bright, thoughtful and caring. Yet, we only know him by his public persona. That's the only thing we have to go on. And that ain't exactly sterling.
Though the Queen remains personally popular and widely-admired and respected, she presides over a somewhat daffy and disconnected brood.
Money can't buy everything, mates.

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