Friday, August 27, 2010

Quick And Decisive Action: Christie Fires Schundler

OK, so it appears as if New Jersey Governor Chris Christie caught his Education Commissioner in a flat-out lie. So Christie went ahead anf fired him.
Yes, Christie fired Brett Schundler today.
Note that the Governor took responsibility and acted quickly and decisively.
Here's the statement from Governor Christie:
“I was extremely disappointed to learn that the videotape of the Race to the Top presentation was not consistent with the information provided to me by the New Jersey Department of Education and which I then conveyed to the people of New Jersey. As a result, I ordered an end to Bret Schundler’s service as New Jersey’s Education Commissioner and as a member of my administration. 
“As I have said before, I never promised the people of New Jersey that this would be a mistake-free administration. However, I did promise that the people serving in my administration would be held accountable for their actions. As I said on Wednesday, I am accountable for what occurs in my administration. I regret this mistake was made and will do all I can to have my administration avoid them in the future.”

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