Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Schundler Admits Mistake, Accepts Responsibility

Former New Jersey Education Commissioner Brett Schundler has now admitted that it was his mistake on the "Race to the Top" federal grant application that caused the foul up leading to his removal from the Education Commissioner's post.
Schundler says that he has learned that the Department of Education has a draft of the grant application with notes in his handwriting that remove important information from the proposal. Though he apparently doesn't remember making such notes, Schundler's action may have led to the loss in $400 million in federal education grant funds to New Jersey.
Schundler has now admitted the error and is accepting responsibility saying that the mistake did indeed occur during the editing process.
Schundler made his remarks in an interview with the Associated Press.
One would hope that this will bring the whole Race to the Top controversy to an end.
The race is over. New Jersey lost.
It's time to move on.

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