Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Toomey Continues To Lead Sestak In PA.

Rasmussen is reporting that GOP Senate aspirant Pat Toomey continues to pick up support over Joe Seatak in the race to succeed Arlen Specter.
Following is a portion of the findings from Rasmussen Reports. You can read the full report at Rasmussen.
The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters in Pennsylvania shows Republican Pat Toomey picking up 46% support, while his Democratic opponent Joe Sestak earns the vote from 37%. Five percent (5%) prefer a different candidate, and 12% are undecided.
In every survey conducted this year, Toomey's support has stayed in the range of 42% to 47% of the vote.
Aside from a brief surge in support following his mid-May primary victory over incumbent Senator Arlen Specter, Sestak's support has fallen in a narrow 36% to 40% range since tracking began in February.
Last month, Toomey led Sestak 45% to 39%.

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