Sunday, September 5, 2010

Christie Rallies Runyan Troops At Huge Event

At a huge GOP picnic in Ocean County this afternoon New Jersey Governor Chris Christie rallied an overflow crowd of troops for Republican congressional candidate Jon Runyan.
Christie noted that Ocean County was key to his stunning victory last November and the Governor predicted that the Ocean woad roar again on November 2  and bring about a Runyan victory "if everyone here today works hard and if you get your friends and neighbors to come out again the way you did for me."
Governor Christie said that Runyan's opponent, Jon Adler was "one of the people who created the mess that I inherited when I came to Trenton and now he's one of the people who has helped create the current Democratic mess in Washington."
"But Jon Runyan is the man to tackle that mess," Christie added.
Adler served as a state legislator before being elected to Congress. Both Runyan and Christie tied Adler to former New Jersey Governors Jim McGreevey and Jon Corzine as well as current Democrat congressional leaders Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. They also tied Adler to runaway spending, high taxes and record deficits.
The crowd roared its approval as Runyan said it's time to "fire Nancy Pelosi."
There is obviously a warm relationship between the Governor and Runyan and the Governor has a special place in his heart for Ocean County and the huge congressional district that runs across the state from the Atlantic Ocean to Philadelphia's backyard in Cherry Hill. Christie's father lives in the district in Ocean County.
Looking toward Runyan, Christie said "it's time to elect another big guy from New Jersey. And that guy is Jon Runyan."
The SRO crowd that filled the Pavillion at Berkeley Township's Veteran's Park enjoyed hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and soft drinks in a festive atmosphere that featured music and picnic tables decorated in shades of red. white and blue.
And the weather? Well, it was absolutely perfect.
You gotta figure that's a good omen!
To get involved in the Jon Runyan campaign, click here.
All photos copyright 2010 by Dan Cirucci.

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