Friday, September 3, 2010

Conservative Republicans Take Lead Across US

A special message from Senator Jim DeMint:
2010 Senate Conservatives 

The Senate Conservatives Fund is now supporting nine rock-solid conservative Senate candidates, and I'm proud to report that according to the most recent Rasmussen Reports surveys, EVERY ONE is now LEADING IN THE POLLS.

  • In Pennsylvania, Pat Toomey leads Joe Sestak by 6 points;
  • In Florida, Marco Rubio leads Charlie Crist and Kendrick Meek by 10 points.
  • In Colorado, Ken Buck leads Michael Bennet by 4 points.
  • In Kentucky, Rand Paul leads Jack Conway by 10 points.
  • In Utah, Mike Lee leads Sam Granato by 25 points.
  • In Nevada, Sharron Angle leads Harry Reid by 2 points.
  • In Wisconsin, Ron Johnson leads Russ Feingold by 1 point.
  • In Washington, Dino Rossi leads Patty Murray by 3 points; and
  • In Alaska, Joe Miller leads Scott McAdams by 6 points.
It doesn't matter what part of the country they are in, conservatives candidates are surging. America is waking up to the threat posed by a federal government that taxes too much, spends too much, and borrows too much.
Americans are coming to recognize that this election is the most important of our lifetime. If we don't turn things around soon, it may be too late. That is why I am so grateful to each of you who have sacrificed your time and money to promote these outstanding leaders.

For more information about The Conservative Comeback click here.


  1. Fine. Now these "conservatives" need to practice what they preach. They didn't from 2000-2006. They overreached then, just as those "liberals" are now.

    And while I'm very sympathetic to fiscal conservatism, I don't want the right-wing Christianity that many of these "conservatives" also preach shoved down my throat. Government should minimize its impact on all facets of people's lives: fiscal AND social.

  2. Your comments are sensible and insightful as always, Josh.
    I do think they have to be careful about their agenda.
    They can't repeat the same mistakes.
    The campaign will test all of them. It's still a long way from here to November. But the ones who are "common sense conservatives" (like Toomey)may show the way on how to strike the right balance.
